21 Phrases I Live by from 21 Years of Living

Alex M
4 min readApr 29, 2020


Succinct. Straightforward. These are words I’ve lived by and will continue to live by.

Photo by Mert Talay on Unsplash
  1. You have to do things for yourself, sometimes by yourself, because of yourself.
  • If you fail,you’re the only person who will suffer, no one will do it for you. If you succeed, no one will be happier and prouder for you than yourself. Take responsibility for your actions and life!

2. There will be extraordinary days, good days, neutral days, and lesson days.

  • The neutral and lesson days are necessary to appreciate the good and extraordinary days. The equilibrium of life. See Introspective Reflection: Patterns in my Life

3. You are the average of the five people you most often surround yourself with.

  • You feed off of their energy, their perspectives, and their goals. If you want to spend time with people that have no idea where they’re going, you’ll all get lost together. If you spend time with people who have goals, they’ll inspire you to work on yours.

4. Emotions can become overwhelming but don’t let it control you.

  • The worst decisions are often rooted from emotions that are temporary.

5. There are only two main steps to accomplishing anything: 1, make a plan and 2, enact the plan.

  • This is as simple as it gets! As Jay Z once said, “Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week.”

6. Reflect and always let people know how you feel about them.

  • Get in touch with your mind and heart and express accordingly. The relationships you have will develop and become more meaningful.

7.Think about the future, always.

  • I understand living in the moment but moments are fleeting. You have to be cognizant that the present should be used to prepare for the future. What’s time consuming now can be a time saver later. There are so many things that I’ve seen a lot of people postpone until absolutely necessary when they could’ve done it and saved so much time along the way.

8. Mindset and perspective are everything.

  • If you believe that you can do it, you’re more likely to strive to attain what you desire. If you already believe that you won’t or can’t succeed, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

9. Just because you’re doing it differently doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.

  • People move at different paces, have different preferences, and varying perspectives. Don’t engage in social comparison. Just do you.

10. Have lives within your life.

  • Who says you’re confined to do one thing and one thing only? Pursue interests, passions, and curiosities!

11. Run the day, don’t let the day run you.

  • Do things early so you won’t ever be forced to do anything because of time constraints, deadlines, or due dates. Always be cognizant of different factors we can’t control, like time!

12. Being obsessive can be good.

  • If you plan as much as you possibly could, you won’t have so much to worry about. If you think carefully about the decisions you make, you’ll have the confidence that you’ll be able to live with them. The things you do on a consistent basis become habits so you might as well tweak and refine them to maximize efficiency.

13. Better to try and find out than think about what could’ve or would’ve been.

  • Better to hear a no than have your imagination run an endless loop imagining what the answer would’ve been. Give it a shot and let life do its thing!

14. Don’t have dreams, have goals.

  • Dreams are things you wish would happen. Goals are things you’re working towards to make happen.

15. If you can’t do it now, figure out how you can do it later.

  • Growth mindset! Know that you can always get better.

16. Look at yourself for who you want to be, not for who you are.

  • If you don’t, then who will? The best investment you can ever make is on yourself

17. Taking risks and gambling are two different things.

  • Risks are calculated. Gambling is letting things get out of your control.

18. Align your actions with your goals.

  • Saying is one thing, committing to it is another. How do you expect to accomplish something if you’re not doing anything about it?

19. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. — Aristotle

  • If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.

20. Don’t confuse cockiness with confidence.

  • Confidence is backed by evidence. Cockiness is irrational.

21. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

  • Be ready to adapt. Growth is often predicated by change. No room for complacency!

I’m content with where I am at this point in my life.

Let me know which ones you live with or if there are ones I can tweak!



Alex M

A thinker and a doer, writing about my life and experiences